green background shape



Front end
web developer

with a passion for
bringing the world

green background dots Kiersten Connor

Hi there! I'm Kiersten.

About Me

My journey into Tech was not a linear one - I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and a minor in Business Administration - but after just one Front End Developer workshop, I quickly realized that I could take my passion and make it so much more!

Now, I am a Developer that prioritizes making human-friendly websites, and enjoys finding new ways to solve problems and create exciting projects.

When I am not working, I am either playing with my dogs or reading a new thriller 📚


rogue pickings website

Responsive Rogue Pickings

Originally a static site, this completely responsive one-page site was developed to look beautiful on any device.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, VSCode, Chrome DevTools

github repo gallery website

Github Repo Gallery

A website featuring a collection of all of my public GitHub repositories that updates in real time.

Skills: Vanilla JavaScript, Manipulating the DOM, APIs

Tools:GitHub, VSCode

unplugged website

Unplugged Retreat Site

A responsive website with multiple pages developed from a design comp.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, VSCode, Chrome DevTools

guess the word website

Guess the word game

A website featuring a game where players have to guess a randomly generated word before they use all of their available guesses.

Skills: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, VSCode

sticky notes website

Sticky note app

A fully interactive sticky notes app created using React. Users can add, edit, remove, search, and save notes for the future!

Skills: React, ES6, JSX, Managing Data Flow, Manipulating the DOM

Tools:CodeSandbox, Netlify


html & css

Git & GitHub

Responsive Web Design




Chrome DevTools

GitHub Pages


